The Crucial Role of Gender in E-Commerce Classification of Fashion Taxonomy

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November 29, 2023

Site Search & Product Discovery

Accurate taxonomy is the glue holding your online shopping experience together.

When products are sorted with precision, it becomes a game-changer for your operations, boosting organisation and effectiveness and turning customers into loyal.

However, in this jungle of product details, there's an untold story waiting to be discovered – the role of gender in the vast world of fashion taxonomy.

Improving the Shopper's Journey

Now, let's talk about the shopper's journey – a journey that should be as delightful as discovering a hidden gem in a bustling marketplace.

Gender plays a pivotal role in search functionality and personalisation. Imagine a user exploring running shoes. Accurate gender attribution ensures they find the perfect fit, quite literally.

Personalisation goes beyond just addressing the customer by name; it's about anticipating their needs.

The power of tailored recommendations, driven by precise gender attribution, creates a shopping experience that feels almost intuitive.

Navigating Gender Challenges in E-Commerce

Yet, in the world of e-commerce, challenges are inevitable.

Common pitfalls in gender attribution can lead to confusion and frustration. Imagine a scenario where a product tagged as "women's jacket" appears in a search for "men's outerwear."

The potential for lost sales and disappointed customers is real.

Navigating these challenges requires a reality check. Lessons learned from real-world scenarios in e-commerce product tagging shed light on the importance of precision.

Strategies for overcoming challenges involve creating foolproof systems that ensure accuracy in gender attribution and overall, diverse product attribution, restoring order to the taxonomy chaos.

Success Stories: Real-Life Examples

Success stories are like bright lights showing us the way.

When we get gender right, it's like turning on a powerful spotlight on your conversion rates – more people end up buying.

And it's not just about numbers; it's about making users happy and engaged. Think of it as the life force of successful online stores.

Big players in the e-commerce world have figured out the importance of getting gender labels spot-on.

Their experiences are like a lighthouse in the dark, guiding us.

They've shown us that when we nail gender attribution, every time a user interacts with our site, it's a win. Let’s look at some of the examples.

Amazon uses gender attribution to categorise and present products in a way that aligns with traditional gender norms, particularly in the clothing and fashion categories.

Zara, a global fashion retailer, employs gender attribution to classify its extensive range of clothing and accessories, providing a more tailored shopping experience for users.

As a leading sportswear brand, Nike uses gender attribution to categorise its products based on men's, women's, and sometimes unisex classifications, offering a targeted shopping experience.

ASOS, an online fashion retailer, uses gender attribution to organise its diverse product range and facilitate user searches based on gender-specific preferences.

These companies underscore the tangible benefits of getting gender attribution right in the world of e-commerce, proving that it's not just about checkboxes but a strategic move that impacts the very heartbeat of thriving online platforms.

In simpler terms, nailing gender accuracy isn't just good for the numbers; it's about creating a thriving online space where users are happy, engaged, and every interaction feels like a victory.

Embracing Change: Adding Gender to the Taxonomy

In the dynamic landscape of fashion taxonomy, change is not a foe but a companion. Industry leaders, Pixyle among them, understand the need to adapt to evolving needs.

The decision to add gender to the taxonomy was not just a change; it was a breakthrough moment.

As the industry evolves, so does Pixyle, recognising the value that gender attribution brings to the taxonomy.

This is not just about keeping up; it's about leading the way in creating an e-commerce experience that resonates with every user.


If we look at e-commerce like a big picture, gender will be a crucial puzzle piece. It's woven into how we organise things online, affecting how users feel and whether online stores succeed.

For product teams and store managers, the message is straightforward – recognize and value the role of gender in the whole process of automatic product tagging in the fashion organisation.

The success of e-commerce depends on getting things sorted out accurately and making customers happy.

As we go through this process of figuring out how to organise everything (we call it decoding the taxonomy), let's make sure every click, search, and purchase is a smooth blend of making users happy and getting things right, where each product feels just right for online shoppers.

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