AI 101: learn the basics of AI in the fashion industry

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April 11, 2024

Ecommerce Trends
AI in fashion industry 101

AI and fashion have made an exciting blend of opportunities that have reshaped the fashion tech world. This powerful combination is taking the world by storm, changing the rules and regulations, and revolutionizing trend prediction, supply chain optimization, and customer experience in fashion e-commerce. AI models like ChatGPT and generative AI set the basics of a far more personalized and diverse fashion industry. We are now transitioning from silent observers to proactive participants in that change, leveraging the power of AI in fashion and improving customer experiences. Let's dive deep into the world of AI fashion and discover what lies ahead of us. 

What Is Fashion AI, and Why Does It Matter?

Fashion AI is the exciting blend of artificial intelligence techniques revolutionizing the fashion industry. From predicting what consumers want to optimize supply chains, AI is reshaping every aspect of fashion.

As technology and fashion merge, AI emerges as a game-changer. McKinsey analysis predicts that generative AI could add $150 billion to $275 billion to the fashion industry's profits in the next few years. This figure highlights AI's capacity to disrupt traditional practices and emphasizes its role as a catalyst for value creation and innovation in fashion.

To understand the significance of AI in fashion, let's delve deeper into what AI truly entails. Svetlana Kordumova, Founder and CEO of Pixyle, aptly describes AI as giving brains to machines. 

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) is like giving brains to machines. Just as humans use their brains to think, learn, and solve problems, AI enables machines to do similar things, like understanding language, recognizing objects in images, making decisions, and learning from experience. It's like teaching a computer to think and act like a human but in its unique way."

Svetlana Kordumova

In the context of fashion, AI's ability to think and learn enables it to analyze vast amounts of data, ranging from customer preferences to market trends. By leveraging AI algorithms, fashion brands can gain valuable insights into consumer behavior, design more personalized products, and optimize various operations, from inventory management to marketing strategies.

In essence, Fashion AI isn't just about incorporating technology into fashion; it's about harnessing the power of AI to drive innovation, efficiency, and creativity in an industry that thrives on constant evolution. It's about using technology to not just keep up with but surpass consumers' constantly shifting desires and expectations, ultimately shaping the future of fashion in new and remarkable ways.

Applications of AI in the Fashion Industry

Fashion is a fast-moving industry where keeping up with trends, managing supply chains efficiently, and providing personalized experiences to shoppers are crucial to success. Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a groundbreaking technology revolutionizing how fashion brands tackle these challenges. From predicting trends to improving the shopping journey, AI is transforming every aspect of the fashion world.

As we explore the practical uses of AI fashion, we'll see how this technology is driving significant changes. Renowned AI researcher and computer scientist Andrew Ng famously said, "I believe AI is the new electricity." In the fashion world, AI is sparking a revolution, offering exciting opportunities for brands to innovate and elevate their offerings for consumers.

Let's look at the hottest applications of AI in the fashion industry today.

Predicting Trends

Fashion is intrinsically tied to trends; it's all about keeping up with what's hot and not. AI has proven invaluable in this aspect, revolutionizing how brands anticipate and capitalize on fashion trends.

AI can analyze enormous amounts of data, gleaning insights from various sources like social media platforms, fashion blogs, online retail sites, and global fashion events. This data analysis extends to multiple elements, including color schemes, fabric choices, styles, and regional fashion preferences. In doing so, AI can spot patterns and predict trends with impressive accuracy.

IBM's partnership with the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) showcased the potential of AI fashion. Utilizing deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision, they enhanced customer experience, refined product design and development, optimized merchandising and planning activities, and bolstered merchandise performance analysis.

Automating Product Data Entry

Maximizing efficiency with automated product tagging is essential for fashion retailers looking to meet tight deadlines and enhance product discoverability.'s AI-powered product tagging solution can tag an entire catalog in minutes, significantly reducing time-to-market without compromising quality. By automatically extracting detailed product data from studio and user-generated images, accelerates operations and improves result relevance with precise AI-generated tags from a vast lexicon. This not only streamlines the shopping experience for customers but also standardizes and improves product categories, making it easier for retailers to manage their inventory effectively.

Optimizing Supply Chains

The supply chain has been one of the fashion industry's most complex and challenging aspects. From sourcing raw materials to managing inventory to ensuring efficient delivery, each step is riddled with the potential for inefficiency and wastage. AI is now stepping in to streamline and optimize these processes, revolutionizing how the fashion industry operates.

AI algorithms can accurately analyze historical data to predict demand, allowing for better inventory management. This can help minimize overproduction, a significant issue in the fashion industry contributing to environmental damage. By producing in line with the predicted demand, fashion brands can reduce waste and become more sustainable.

Li & Fung, a global supply chain manager, developed a digital supply chain platform that uses AI to connect retailers with suppliers in real-time, providing end-to-end visibility and making the supply chain more efficient and responsive.

Customizing the Shopping Experience

In the age of e-commerce, personalization has become a powerful tool for retailers, and AI is at the forefront of this revolution. AI is helping fashion brands customize the shopping experience in previously unthinkable ways, providing personalized recommendations based on individual customer behavior, preferences, and shopping history.

ASOS,, Amazon, and Alibaba are among the pioneers utilizing AI to tailor the shopping experience. Whether through personalized product recommendations or virtual mix-and-match suggestions, AI enhances customer satisfaction and boosts sales.

Fighting Fake Products

AI is being used to authenticate items, helping to prevent the sale of counterfeit fashion products, including shoes and bags. Solutions like Deloitte's "Dupe Killer" and computer vision authentication technologies are aiding this journey.

Virtual Try-Ons

Virtual try-ons are redefining the customer experience, bridging the gap between online and in-store shopping by eliminating uncertainties about fit and size. YourFit and Mobile Tailor are groundbreaking solutions leading this shift, offering precise 3D models and accurate body measurements.

AI-powered Recommendations

Have you ever wondered how online stores appear to anticipate your desires? AI recommendation systems analyze customer data to propose products that echo their style and personal preferences, enhancing customer engagement and boosting sales.

Zegna's integration of AI-powered recommendations into their outreach app, Zegna X, exemplifies this trend. With a 3D configurator capable of creating 49 billion potential outfit combinations, Zegna offers highly tailored suggestions to its clientele, resulting in a more satisfying shopping experience and increased sales.

Embracing Sustainability with AI

"My wish is that new technologies will help fashion to become cleaner, with less waste." 

Anne-Christine Polet

Anne-Christine Polet's vision for a cleaner, less wasteful fashion future highlights AI's significant role in promoting sustainability. With AI-powered predictive analytics, brands can streamline production, reduce material waste, and lessen environmental harm. By accurately predicting demand, AI helps prevent overproduction and reduces excess inventory, often in landfills. Moreover, AI aids in sourcing sustainable materials and ensuring transparency in the supply chain. By leveraging AI technologies, brands can make strides toward sustainability while driving innovation and efficiency in the fashion industry.

ChatGPT in Fashion

AI models like ChatGPT can be game-changers in the fashion industry. With their advanced natural language processing capabilities, they can offer many benefits to fashion retailers and customers alike.

ChatGPT can provide personalized, real-time assistance to customers, enhancing their shopping experience. It can also analyze customer feedback and reviews, providing valuable brand insights for product improvement and trend analysis. Furthermore, ChatGPT can create engaging content for fashion brands, from product titles and descriptions to blog posts about the latest fashion trends.

Ethical Considerations on the Use of AI in the Fashion Industry

As AI increasingly integrates into the fashion industry, retailers should take ethical considerations regarding data privacy and algorithmic bias seriously. Transparency and accountability should be priorities, ensuring that AI tools benefit consumers and companies while minimizing potential risks and unintended consequences.

A more elaborate look at this topic you can find here, in this research study.

The Future of AI in Fashion

The future of AI fashion holds the promise of a significant change in how the industry operates. It's not just about buzz; it's about fundamental transformations and efforts toward sustainability. By understanding what AI can offer, we see its potential to entirely change how things work in the fashion world. Whether making supply chains smoother or tailoring experiences for customers, AI can bring about remarkable improvements in efficiency and innovation across the entire fashion industry.

For more info about this topic:

Watch the webinar on YouTube

Listen to the webinar on Spotify

Learn more about AI in Fashion

Final Thoughts

The connection between AI and fashion is opening doors to exciting new possibilities. It's not just a temporary trend; it's the start of a groundbreaking era. With AI, brands can predict trends, manage their supply chains, personalize shopping experiences, and suggest products tailored to individual tastes. As AI evolves in fashion, it promises to make the industry more sustainable, improve customer satisfaction, and make operations more efficient. AI is reshaping fashion, leading us into a future of efficiency, sustainability, and creativity.

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