13 proven ways to increase shopping cart conversion rate [+ examples]

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March 22, 2022

Work Smart
Ways to increase shopping cart conversion rate

Increasing shopping cart conversion rate is one of the main objectives of every online store. The formula is simple: 

Higher shopping cart conversion rate = more revenue and improved profitability. 

However, achieving a higher shopping cart conversion rate isn’t always easy. 

In this article, we’re discussing proven tactics that will help you increase your shopping cart conversion rate that go beyond optimizing the checkout page. 

We’ll cover different aspects of the user experience: 

  • Navigation & search
  • Site performance optimization
  • Copy and structure 

Keep on reading.

Navigation & search

For a shopper to add something to the shopping cart, they need first to be able to find what they want. Your site navigation and search bar is where the customer journey starts. Naturally, this is also where you need to start when trying to optimize your site for conversions. 

Design for intuitive site navigation

Website visitors should be able to find products easily. Make sure they don’t have to scroll too much or look for too long. 

When aiming for intuitive navigation, make sure that: 

  • Your store meets user requirements and the way they’re used to search
  • The interface is simple and not overcluttered
  • Your navigation is uniform across all categories
  • You use breadcrumbs to show users where they are on the site
  • There are no additional distractions for users on their way to the shopping cart
  • Have an intuitive navigation menu

To make navigation better, you ultimately need to think about two things.

One is user interface design best practice. UI design helps you create a good interface that’s intuitive and user friendly.

However, you can’t expect to have a well functioning navigation without having good data powering your categories in the back end. That’s why, when you’re trying to optimize your navigation, it’s equally important to improve your product data accuracy and richness.

Make product discovery easy with visual search

The search functionality of your store is very important for product discovery. 

Customers don’t have time to waste. They need to find what they want fast. 

That’s why, in addition to conventional text-based search, you should offer other options. Visual search is a great way to allow your customers to find products in a user-friendly way.

They just need an image of the item they want. Maybe they saw it in a shop window, or, their friend has something they like, so they took a picture. 

With visual search, they can simply upload the image without having to think about the words they need to use to describe and search for the item. The result is an array of similar items for them to choose from. 

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Site performance optimization

Modern shoppers are impatient and expect a seamless user experience. That’s why one of the essential steps when optimizing for higher conversion rate is optimizing your site’s performance.

For the modern shopper, fast loading is a MUST

If a website doesn't load in three seconds, 53% of mobile users will abandon it

To make sure your website loads faster, try these best practices: 

  • Choose a good hosting provider. Virtual Private Servers (VPS) are probably the best option for a fast-loading website. 
  • Optimize image size. Tools like ImageOptim can help you reduce the size of your images. 
  • Implement website caching. This will help you when there are too many users visiting your site, like during holiday discounts. 

Adapt to shopper behavior and prioritize mobile experiences

A lot of shoppers, especially Gen Z browse and shop on mobile. Having a mobile-optimized website and shopping experience is a non-negotiable.

Here’s what to look out for: 

  • Make images responsive
  • Use drop-down menus
  • Minimize the number of pop-ups
  • Pay attention to text size
  • Reduce the amount of information required for checkout
  • Use Apple Pay or Google Pay for faster payments

Make smarter decisions by leveraging A/B testing

The truth is, you’ll never know what works until you test it. 

If you’re using a Shopify or WordPress template, don’t rely on it and expect it to work. Every store has a different target audience, and every audience has different preferences. 

You still need to do some thinking and the earlier you start doing it, the better. 

Test CTA copy, button colors, checkout steps, and everything else you can. It might seem irrelevant now, but it can make a huge difference in your shopping cart conversion rate. 

Copy, page layout and information hierarchy

Finally, even if shoppers find what they need, they won’t consider buying if you don’t provide them with enough (and visible) information. 

Use a clear & visible CTA

One of the most important aspects in determining whether or not a user will place the product in their cart is the CTA (call to action) button. 

If a consumer wants to add a product to their cart but can't find the add to cart button, they will become dissatisfied and exit your website. 

The CTA button should be prominently displayed and stand out amongst the other elements on the page.

Use a contrasting color and pay attention to the button’s size - don’t forget to optimize it for different devices.

An example on Burberry’s website of a clear and visible CTA

Write smart product descriptions

Here’s how to write top product descriptions: 

  • Focus on how the product solves the buyer’s problem
  • Highlight the benefits
  • Include adjectives but avoid using superlatives
  • Make descriptions scannable for mobile user

Top product Descriptions

Build optimized product pages

The interface of your product page is very important for your shopping cart conversion rate. Here’s what to look out for when building your product page: 

  • Add more images that show different aspects of the product
  • Include multimedia formats like videos
  • Make sure it’s not too congested with different elements
  • Use consistent brand elements

Suggested read: Product Page Examples That Work in 2024

Use social proof 

To show that people find your product useful, use social proof like reviews and ratings. 

Place ratings on top of the product page so users don’t have to scroll down. 

An example for social proof review and ratings

Also, make sure the best ratings are first on the list so people can focus on the benefits right away. 

Highlight free delivery (if you have it) 

Your shipping policy has to be transparent and easily visible. If visitors want to buy an item and they see that you charge more than they thought during checkout, they’ll leave. 

If you have free shipping, make sure you highlight it, like the example below: 

Great example of a highlighted free delivery

Personalize the customer journey 

Creating a personalized journey helps you create a store that customers fall in love with and enjoy browsing. 

Use AI recommendations 

Sephora does a great job using similar recommendations.

Sephora similar recommendations

Offer the user items related to the one they’re looking at. This tactic could delight customers and increase your shopping cart conversion rate. 

Make sure the products you offer are relevant and personalized to the user behavior. This way, they’ll be motivated to add more items and your store will get an increased Average Order Value (AOV).

Optimize the checkout process

These are some things you can do to customize the checkout process: 

  • Provide a short overview of important product details
  • Make sure the customer always knows the shipping price
  • Explain how shipping works
  • Minimize the amount of information necessary
  • Allow users to check out without registering

Add a live chat option

Include a chatbot or another live chat option on your website. This allows potential purchasers to obtain answers to their inquiries immediately without having to look for your contact details.

If customers have to look for contact details for too long, they may grow bored or conclude that you aren't legitimate and go on.


Increasing your shopping cart conversion rate is essential to a successful online store

We hope we’ve given you a few ideas on how you can optimize your store to retain customers, create a seamless experience, and increase revenue.  

If you’d like to learn more about how to use AI personalized recommendations and visual search to delight website visitors and make sure they discover products quickly, schedule a custom demo with our team today. 

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